coverage attorney

An Innovative Solution Tech-Savvy Lawyers Use to Find an Appearance Attorney

Need to hire an appearance attorney at the last minute to appear on your behalf? Never mind! Speeding up the hiring process is pretty straightforward […]


The Easiest Way to Find Work as an Appearance Attorney (In a Minute or Less)

Are you an appearance attorney available to cover appearances while in court for other matters? Then join AppearMe’s growing network! AppearMe is a real-time and […]


How to Hire Freelance Lawyers: Your Guide to Finding Freelancers Fast

Let’s be real: While sometimes it doesn’t make sense to hire a full-time employee, finding the right freelance lawyer isn’t an easy task. You have […]


Looking for a Freelance Attorney? Hire One in Under a Minute

Finding the right freelance attorney can be a tricky task. Well, not necessarily! Whether you have a busy schedule and cannot handle all the work […]


Become a Part of AppearMe’s Nationwide Network of Freelance Lawyers

If you’re figuring out how to get work as a freelance lawyer, sign up for AppearMe! AppearMe is a real-time and on-demand web and mobile application […]


5 Reasons to Hire Freelance Attorneys with AppearMe

Looking for a freelance attorney to outsource non-billable work? Not sure where to start? Sign up for AppearMe and access the largest network of contract […]


What Sets AppearMe Apart? Traditional Freelancing vs AppearMe

So, you’ve decided to start freelancing. That’s great! But how can you get freelance clients? Well, finding clients is the first big challenge freelance lawyers […]


Sign Up Now – Instantly Access Our Nationwide Network of Appearance Attorneys

Need an appearance attorney to appear on your behalf? Get started with AppearMe now! AppearMe is an on-demand and real-time web and mobile application with […]


3 Ways AppearMe Can Help Lawyers Be More Productive

Most lawyers will say there are never enough hours in the day. Luckily, there are a few simple ways to free up your time so […]


Key Benefits of Joining AppearMe’s Network of Freelance Attorneys

AppearMe is a real-time and on-demand web and mobile application that connects freelance attorneys with other lawyers in need of their services. It makes freelancing […]

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