Appearance Attorney Automation to Improve Law Firm Efficiency

Legal automation has become a fact of life. More and more tasks are routinized to exclude human intervention for better results. “If the task can be done consistently and predictably each and every time, can save me time or money and makes me look better to my clients, it should be automated,” Britt Lorish from Affinity Consulting Group says. Automation has penetrated into the way appearance attorneys are hired. AppearMe startup has commenced new tools in appearance attorney automation with the whole process taking 4-5 minutes.

The automated hiring of appearance attorneys helps thousands of lawyers and law firms increase efficiency and produce more result in a limited time. The smart technology will reduce the amount of work that would ordinarily be a manual effort.


How does it work?

You need to sign up to AppearMe and create an account. Once you get verified, you can upload your appearance info with simple steps. You can upload your documents and any information you think the appearance attorney should have. It takes 2-3 minutes to upload one’s appearance and another 60 seconds for another attorney to commit to your appearance. Now you can move on with your day and wait for the results.

This is a radical approach to the way appearance attorneys were hired. Traditional methods included agency work or fellows’ recommendation which took a lot of time and were unreliable.

The new method is smart in the sense that no manual efforts are needed to match an appearance attorney with an attorney of record. The system does the work much more quickly and accurately than you could ever do it.


How can law firms benefit from appearance attorney automation?

The automated process of hiring an appearance attorney frees your staff of unnecessary search for an appearance attorney. Simple advice to the attorneys to sign up to the app is enough never to come back to this issue again. Now your law firm’s attorneys will manage the hiring process themselves without needless work from your management staff.

Having a resource of appearance attorneys at hand, your law firm’s attorneys will have more time to do more important tasks and consequently increase your client base. Each attorney will do more work at a given time than he or she would otherwise do if he or she had to travel to court and back for simple tasks like handing in a missing document or rescheduling a hearing.

The smart technology helps you produce results with the minimum efforts. Consistent patterns are produced through a smart implementation of rules, routines, and procedures.


Sign me up to AppearMe

Signing up to AppearMe is easy. You need to setup your profile with simple steps. For more information visit our help page.

You have no commitments whatsoever when signing up to AppearMe. There are no hidden fees or costs when you sign up. You can use the app when needed or desired.

AppearMe is one of the rare chances when you can get ahead without risking anything. Try the app and results will follow immediately.


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